The Challenge breaks down like this :
I will write 50,000 words per month. In that there will be one finished novel per month. This could be a project that's been sitting fallow, a brand new one, one you've been putting off, whatever. But after looking through the host of projects I've got sitting around, I realized I had to do something. I had to finish them.
So, I'm implementing this schedule. If a novel is finished short of that extra 50K, I'll start on another one. The word count is mandatory, the amount of projects worked on is flexible, but one of them must be finished in that month, and it must have at least 50K words to it's credit. This does include packets of shorts stories. (RELATED TO ONE ANOTHER), but not poetry. Unless it's a 50,000 word epic poem, in which case, you are awesome.
My personal schedule will be as follows, based on projects sitting around for the longest amount of time. If a novel is completed ahead of schedule, then I will move on to the next one on the list.
Novels on the list that are there for heavy rewriting have a companion novel listed as well. An attempt will be made to finish both.
June : A Nefarious and Evil Tale
July : Blood Lines + Black Moon
August : Legion's War
September : Vampirism and You
October : Deaths Children
November : NEW PROJECT (As I will be participating in National Novel Writing Month)
The Ghost King
December : When Angels Cry + Dusk Moth
January : Legion's Wake
February : Let the Good Times Roll
March : The Bridge
April : The Hatter's Son
May : Gryphon's Kiss
If I finish all of those before May, I'll move on to my secondary list of a further twelve projects. Part of this project will be trying to remain focused on these particular stories, and not starting a bunch of new things.
So far, I'm on schedule.
First Three Months:

I'll likely get more written today, which will bump my count to a more comfortable place. I'm breaking the word counts into three month chunks to make it easier on myself and those little tracker bars. Generally speaking, I'm not very good at keeping track with those.
The whole challenge is avidly followed by my family and friends, most of whom are likely placing bets on my sanity and which month I will crash and burn. Well, we'll show them, won't we?
Yes, I frequently refer to myself in the royal we. It makes me feel special.
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