So, over a year ago Sine' and I were poised to present the world with Issue 1 of the CFM (Contemporary Fantasy Magazine). This...did not happen. It was a little bit of moving, a little bit of school, frustration, poor planning, lack of proper programs and a lot of exhaustion that led to the dissolution (it seemed) of the CFM.
It was filed away as a lost cause.
And then, the other day, my dad said, "Whatever happened to that magazine you were working on?"
I ran through the reasons I've given you (in more detail description and pointed finger) and brushed the whole thing off.
But then I started thinking about it. What if? What if? No. Maybe...and then, yes. Yes. Yes I will do this again. So I started a Devart group.
I revamped the old blog.
I emailed my co-editor.
I texted my contributor.
Messaged some people.
Created a Facebook group.
And I started it up again.
By mid-September we will be releasing the first issue of the CFM. This issue will be a free PDF we will email (and set up for download) to anyone who wants it. We'll see what happens after that. But every great journey (even the ones you shove in the drawer and forget about for a year) start with a single step.
And in other news, it's day 23 and I'm only 3500 words shy of 50,000 for Bloodlines and a total count of 28,000(ish) for the month of August. Yeah, I'm a touch behind.
This one started with two.
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