Friday, July 23, 2010

Good Omens

Today I read Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Before this I have read Coraline, Going Postal, Making Money, that short story Neil wrote for that's in that grown up fairy tales book about the woman whose actually a fox and gets a tavern full of people to kill some guy, Neverwhere and watched Going Postal, Hogwatch, The Colour of Magic, Stardust and to this day am afraid of the Sandman.

I blame that for my insomnia, I really do.

Anyhow, as a fan of both authors, I was chagrined to discover that they had conjoined for a book and I had not read it. Justifiably, I was a toddler when the novel came out and only in recent years stumbled upon their awesomeness, but still.

Good Omens is a new favorite, hands down. I picked it up at bedtime, intending to read a chapter and then go into dreamland.

That did not occur. Firstly, there are no chapters, so that was foiled early on. Secondly, I couldn't stop once I started. The delightful back and forth between the angel (whose name I am too tired to attempt to spell) and Crowley, were enough for me but then there was the interplay of the WA and the Them and...I really couldn't pry myself away despite the knowledge that I will now either A) Sleep in well past when civilized folk who don't work the night shift are expected to or B) Sleep for a measly couple of hours, shower and be miserable and crabby for an entire day before going to sleep and likely napping on the couch and/or becoming a zombie.

But the point I want to make is this. Good Omens kept me awake and more than that--it gave me hope. I often reach for Mr. Pratchett when I'm feeling a mite down and Mr. Gaiman get's my attention when I'm in an ill-temper, the combination of both turned to be the precise application of macabre and humor that my inner monster required.

The edition with inclusion of Neil/Terry's take on Terry/Neil is delightful and gives me renewed hope that someday, one day, I will find one person willing to publish me and that I will earn the distinction of being called, A Writer.

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